


  • 产前乳房或哺乳期问题
  • 闩锁困难
  • 乳头疼痛
  • Engorgement
  • 母乳供应
  • Oversupply
  • Plugged ducts
  • Breastfeeding multiples
  • Return to work
  • Breast pumping
  • Maternal medications and breastfeeding safety
  • Infant refusal to breastfeed or biting

对母乳喂养医学项目的资助provided, in part, by Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals® (CMNH). CMNH has provided breast pumps, specialty breastfeeding chairs and funding for a lactation consultant. To learn more about Children’s Miracle Network at Penn State Health Children’s Hospital,访问cmnhershey.org.

Nancy McDaniel, RN, and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant at Penn State Health Children’s Hospital shows us some of the items for the Penn State Health Breastfeeding Medicine Program that are funded by donations to Children’s Miracle Network. With these items and the expertise of lactation consultants like Nancy, Penn State Health Children’s Hospital is able to support breastfeeding mothers and their infants and provide the emotional support and tools needed to be successful in breastfeeding.


Clinic Location and Appointments


任命是周一至周五上午8点至星期五的举办 - 下午4:30。并且可以通过呼叫安排717-531-7300。预约可以在可用时与其他女性健康或儿科约会协调。无论他们接受初级保健的地方,我们社区中的任何母亲或婴儿都可以使用母乳喂养程序。

Additional Support

Additional breastfeeding support is available to mothers, family members and referring providers through the Breastfeeding Resource Line at717-531-MILK (6455)。Calls can be made to this line 24 hours a day; messages left will be returned within 24 hours.

For urgent concerns, please call717-531-7300

Educational classes and support groups for breastfeeding mothers are available.单击此处查看可用类和支持组的完整列表




Penn State Pediatric providerSteven Hicks, MD, PhD, is involved in ongoing research regarding breastfeeding and the benefits of breastfeeding for infants.


  • 我们正在寻找怀孕或母乳喂养的女性参加一项研究to determine genetic factors that underlie low milk supply。Please contact Raz Abdulqadir for more information at717-531-6259
  • 我们正在寻找怀孕或母乳喂养的女性参加一项研究识别可能反映牛奶供应的牛奶衍生因子。Please contact Raz Abdulqadir for more information at717-531-6259


Helpful videos

Handouts for parents (also available in Spanish)


Breast pumps

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law in 2010. There are many parts of the ACA, but one of the most valuable is that ACA requires health plans to cover breastfeeding support and supplies. Every health plan is different so it is important to contact them and obtain the following information:

  • Does my policy provide coverage for a Breast pump ? Yes/No
  • 覆盖了什么类型的乳房泵?
    • 医疗设备需要保险代码。询问哪个泵被覆盖时使用代码:
      • Manual (hand) breast pump (E0602)
      • 个人使用双电动泵(E0603)*许多患者更喜欢这种类型
      • “医院等级”租赁泵(E0604)*通常不受保险。
  • 哪些耐用的医疗设备(DME)公司与我的保险一起参与?保险公司要求您通过参与耐用医疗设备公司(DME)获得乳房泵。并非所有DME的携带乳房泵。
    • 公司名称
    • Phone number
    • Fax number

Below are just a few DME’s that carry breast pumps:


Ask the provider to include the following information on the prescription. Without this information the insurance company may deny coverage.

  • Diagnosis code:
  • 表面涂覆过程代码:E0603(个人使用双c pump), E0602 (Hand pump), E0604 (Hospital-grade rental) *Most likely self-pay
    • Contact theDME并要求您的乳房泵并询问如何获得它。如果乳房泵将直接运送到您家,则可能需要传真或发送处方。否则,当你拿起乳房泵时呈现它。


The personal-use breast pump is designed to help a mother maintain her milk production after it is established and when she is separated from her infant. Example: mother returning to work. This type of pump is not meant to be re-used with a future baby or shared with another mother due to the risk of infection and/or motor failure.

The hospital-grade breast pump is designed to assist a new mother to initiate and establish her breast milk supply when the infant is unable to breastfeed, is breastfeeding ineffectively, or the mother and infant are separated. Example: baby in NICU. The programmed pumping patterns are designed to stimulate milk production and empty the breast more effectively than a personal use pump.

由于电机的质量,医院级乳房泵价格昂贵(1200- 1500美元),因此它们仅可用作租金。目前,大多数保险不会覆盖医院级乳房泵的租赁。每月租金价格从$ 65 - $ 75。他们是自我支付的。

If you have used the hospital-grade breast pump during your hospital stay, your breast pump kit can be used on a rental breast pump.


**Good Samaritan Medical Equipment (GSH)

  • Palmyra:717-838-7511传真:717-838-9468(星期一 - 星期五)
  • 黎巴嫩:717-272-2057Fax: 717-272-0796 (Monday - Friday and Saturday 9 - 1:000 p.m.)

乳房泵套件= 50美元

**Babies R Us

5125 Jonestown Road Harrisburg PA

**Please call for availability and to “reserve” a breast pump prior to pick-up***

Breastfeeding Program Staff

  • Kathy Collard,RN-BSN,IBCLC,哺乳顾问
  • Jen Kiesel,RN-BSN,IBCLC,母乳喂养
  • Nancy McDaniel, RN, IBCLC, Lactation Consultant
  • Michelle Schaedler, RN-BSN, IBCLC, Lactation Consultant
  • Shelly Silber, RN-BSN, IBCLC, Breastfeeding
  • Amy Wagner,RN-BSN,IBCLC,母乳喂养