Heart Structure Problem Present at Birth
在宾夕118金宝搏抽水法尼亚州卫生儿童医院,您的孩子的心是我们的重中之重。我们的敬业笔n State Health Children’s Heart Group提供我们小儿心脏专家团队的专门心脏保健。我们还为早期和准确的诊断以及最新的尖端治疗提供了全面的服务。
Congenital Heart Defect Symptoms, Diagnosis and Outlook
A congenital heart defect is often discovered during pregnancy during an anatomy scan or other prenatal screening test. However, some babies have undetected congenital heart defects when they are born. Warning signs and symptoms include:
- 蓝色指甲
- Blueish area around the lips
- 过度嗜睡
- Tired during feedings
- 不稳定或快速呼吸
- 麻醉学家
- 心脏外科医生
- 重症监护医生
- Neonatologists
- 小儿心脏病专家
- Pediatric intensivists
- Specialized nursing staff
Early Diagnosis
The Penn State Health Children’s Heart Group works with obstetricians and maternal-fetal medicine specialists in the community to diagnose congenital heart defects as early as possible. Our specialists can travel to these doctor’s offices or you may visit Penn State Health Children’s Hospital. If we suspect an abnormality in utero, we will perform an evaluation – most often using a fetal echocardiogram or the portable transthoracic echocardiogram. Using those test results, together we will determine the best next steps for caring for your child.
High Survival Rates
- Survival rates for complex congenital heart cases surpass the national average
- Our pediatric heart surgery program is ranked in the top 15 programs in the country in survival following pediatric heart operations
Our team uses intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) and neuromonitoring for all cases. TEE procedures assist our surgeons in monitoring the heart’s function during surgery and help us evaluate the heart before and after surgery. Neuromonitoring assesses blood flow to the brain during open-heart surgery to prevent brain injury during the procedure.
We know it can be frightening to have your child need heart surgery, but our expert team is here to provide exceptional care. At Penn State Health Children’s Hospital, our patients are our top priority.
- 专用的儿科心脏手术室与儿科心脏麻醉师
- 小儿心脏重症监护病房,带儿科重症监护医师和患者管理人员前后的员工
- 大量儿科心脏病专家,包括诊断和介入心脏导管插入术的专家,心律不齐,超声心动图,心脏MRI和CT扫描
- 小儿心脏导管实验室毗邻手术室(混合室),用于诊断,介入和电生理程序