The Penn State Health Children’s Hospital Approach to Developmental Pediatric Care
Team Approach
Patient-centered Care
Our dedicated team of pediatric behavior and development experts will listen to your goals for your child and create a treatment plan designed to meet your child’s specific needs. We understand that no two children are alike, and believe each therapy plan should be personalized to help your child reach their potential.
Our Experts in Pediatric Behavior and Developmental Care
The experts at Penn State Health Children’s Hospital are committed to providing our pediatric patients with comprehensive and multidisciplinary care.
Refer a patient
我们想要it easy for physicians to refer a patient to Penn State Health Children’s Hospital, get a consult, request a transfer and access your patients’ records.
To refer a patient with suspected autism, learning, speech-language or attention problems:
- Call717-531-5880to start the referral process.
- 传真办公室笔记与转介有关717-531-0221.
- We will then send the family a packet with questions for the parent/guardian and the child’s preschool/daycare/school to complete.
- If the referral is accepted, a provider will be assigned and the family will be put on a waiting list for an appointment. New patients are typically scheduled within four to five months.
- If the referral is not accepted, we will notify the referring office and recommend the child be seen by a different service.
Pediatric Behavior and Development Support Staff
托德·戈尔什(Todd Gorshe),医学
Education Specialist

Brandon Henken, CCC/SLP
Speech-Language Pathologist

Lori Norris
Administrative Assistant

Julie Vallati, LPN
Clinical Nurse Specialist

Renee Yale, MEd
Pediatric Psychometrics, Reading Specialist

虽然我们没有看到孩子们主要性能ral concerns, we do address behavioral problems that accompany other diagnoses. We specialize in autism, attention deficit disorder, sleep disorders, learning problems and developmental delays in the division of Pediatric Developmental Medicine.
118金宝搏抽水宾夕法尼亚州健康provides only the best for your child. We are committed to providing only the highest quality treatment and support, focusing on the unique needs of your child - physical and emotional.
Nationally Recognized Care
118金宝搏抽水宾夕法尼亚州健康Children’s Hospital is routinely ranked among the best children’s hospitals in the nation due to our focus on patient care, safety and research.
When you recognize delays or behavior issues in your child, you want a care team that offers advanced evaluations and treatment options. At Penn State Health Children’s Hospital, our team is experienced in early diagnosis, which can lead to better treatment and improved outcomes. We want to make sure your child has every change to live his or her best life.
Conditions Treated
118金宝搏抽水宾夕法尼亚州健康Development and Behavior specialists provide care for many issues including:
- 注意问题
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Behavior problems that accompany developmental disorders
- Global developmental delay
- Intellectual disability (when a child learns slowly and has trouble learning important life skills, such as self-care, social skills and personal safety skills)
- Learning and school problems
- Medication management of problems associated with autism and attention deficit disorder
- Speech and language disorders
- ADHD, What Every Parent Needs to Know, 3rd Edition由马克·l·Wolraich, MD, FAAP and Joseph F. Hagan Jr, MD, FAAP
- A Parent's Guide to Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism: How to Meet the Challenges and Help Your Child Thriveby Geraldine Dawson, et. al. This book offers practical problem solving ideas, real-life stories, and useful strategies to help children with AS interact more comfortably with siblings and peers, and understand the rules of appropriate behavior.
- Asperger's Huh?:Rosina Schnurr的孩子的观点。这本书针对6-12岁的儿童,是从11岁儿童的角度写的。
- 阿斯伯格综合症: An Owner's Manual - What You, Your Parents and Your Teachers Need to Know: An Interactive Guide and Workbookby Ellen Korin. This interactive workbook provides opportunities for self-reflection and insight into the ways that Asperger Syndrome may be affecting the child's life in different ways.
- Asperger's - What Does It Mean To Me?: Structured Teaching Ideas for Home and School by Catherine Faherty. This workbook has sections for children, parents and teachers. The book will provide insight into your child's mind, and make him or her more self-aware, learning what autism means in relation to crucial areas of life: friendships, fears, abilities and much more.
- 阿斯伯格综合症Books for Parents - A Guide to Asperger Syndrome克里斯托弗·吉尔伯格(Christopher Gillberg)。这本书提供了自闭症的内容丰富的概述。它是针对各种读者,包括受影响的人,他们的家人以及与儿童,青少年和成年人一起患有阿斯伯格综合症的临床医生。
- 阿斯伯格综合症by Sarah Sparrow. This book covers the clinical and research aspects of Asperger Syndrome.
- Autism Spectrum Disorder, 2nd Editionby Alan I Rosenblatt, MD, FAAP and Paul S. Carbone, MD, FAAP
- Be Different: Adventures of a Free-Range Aspergianby John Elder Robison. A very positive book by a man with AS.
- Cats Have Asperger Syndromeby Kathy Hoopmann. This picture book with captions is heartwarming, has a nice message and is easy for young children to understand. It is not intended to be a technical guide to autism.
- Different Like Meby Jennifer Elder. This book is about famous people with AS.
- Freaks, Geeks, And Asperger Syndrome by Luke Jackson. This consumer-oriented narrative is written by a 13-year-old-boy with Asperger Syndrome. Draws upon personal experiences and family members to inform the general public about living the adolescent years with this condition.
- Getting the Best for Your Child with Autismby Bryna Siegel, PhD. This easy to read book has nice practical information for families raising a child with autism.
- Turn Autism Aroundby Mary Lynch Barbera, PhD, R.N., BCBA-D
- Freeing your Child from Anxiety: Powerful Practical Solutions to Overcome your Child's Fears, Worries and Phobiasby Tamar E. Chansky
- The Anxiety Cure for Kids, 2nd Editionby Elizabeth DuPont Spencer, MSW, Robert L. DuPont, MD and Caroline M. DuPont, MD
- What to do When you Worry Too Much: A Kids Guide to Overcoming Anxiety: What do to Guides for Kidsby Dawn Heubner and Bonnie Matthews,
- Worried No More: Help and Hope for Anxious Children, 2nd edition由Aureen Pinto Wagner博士
- 1-2-3 Magicby Dr. Thomas Phelan
- Applied Behavior Analysis艾伯特·J·科尔尼(Albert J. Kearney)
- Early Intervention Every Day,by Merle J. Crawford and Barbara Weber
- 儿童和青少年的执行技能by Peg Dawson and Richard Guare
- How to Talk so Kids will Listen and Listen so Kids will Talkby Adele Faber
- 际观察第八感觉系统by Kelly Mahler, MS, OTR/L
- Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhoodby Jim Fay and Charles Fay, PhD
- SOS: Help for Parentsby Lynn Clark
- 添加答案书by Susan Ashley
- The Explosive Childby Ross Greene, PhD
- The Explosive Child Is Trying to Tell Youby Douglas A. Riley, EdD
- Treating Eating Problemsby K. Williams
- Understanding Applied Behavior Analysis, 2nd Edition by Albert J. Kearney
- 说到失用by Leslie A. Lindsay, RN, BSN
- The Late Talkerby M. Agin
- Sleep What Every Parent Needs to Knowby Rachel Y. Moon, MD, FAAP
Resources and Products
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- ASERT PA Autism
- 自闭症协会,大哈里斯堡地区分会
- Autism Speaks
- 疾病控制和预防中心,自闭症谱系障碍
- Keystone Autism Services
- The Center for Autism
- Apps for Kids with Apraxia
- 语言的组成部分
- Fitness4focus
- Play
- Phonological Awareness
- AAC之前的信息咨询
- Prelinguistic and Early Communication Skills
- Speech and Language
- Stuttering
- Types of Speech Sound Disorders
Support groups provide children and their families an opportunity to connect with others in similar situations. Learn more about the support groups offered at Penn State Health Children’s Hospital.
Share stories and concerns with other parents whose children have been diagnosed with childhood apraxia of speech. The group meets quarterly at Penn State Health...
Share stories and concerns with other parents whose children have been diagnosed with childhood apraxia of speech. The group meets quarterly at Penn State Health Children’s Hospital room P1100 from 6 to 8 p.m. For more information, call717-531-6807.
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