马里兰州Neerav Goyal英里是一个头部和颈部手术啊ncologist, microvascular reconstructive surgeon and an open and endoscopic skull base surgeon. He is an Associate Professor in the Department with joint appointments in Neurosurgery, Surgery and Public Health Sciences. He is the Chief of the Division of Head and Neck Oncology and Surgery.
His clinical focus and expertise is in the surgical management of patients with head and neck (oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, paranasal sinuses, neck) cancers, thyroid cancers, salivary gland tumors and skull base tumors. This interest extends to advocating for and evaluating new technologies to make surgery safer, more efficient and with better outcomes. To this end, Dr. Goyal has additional training in the use of surgical robots to assist with transoral surgery. He also has a strong focus in the reconstructive management of patients with these diseases through the use of local, regional, or free tissue to help restore form and function.
- Education
托马斯杰斐逊大学杰斐逊医学院医学院 - 2009年
- 奖学金
团契,头颈,外科肿瘤Massachusetts眼睛和耳朵医疗学校/哈佛医学院 - 2015年
- 居住
Residency,Otolaryngology米尔顿S.Hershey Medical Center - 2014年
- 头颈癌症治疗,外科机器人的不良影响
- 癌症幸存者的生活质量
- 外科创新
- 甲状腺癌
- 美国最佳医生 - 2019年,2020年
- 儿童HCAHPS Dean的名单 - 非凡的患者满意度
- Hcahps住院院长的名单 - 非凡的患者满意度
- 狮子护理奖
- Pennsylvania Medical Society Top Physicians Under 40 – 2020
- 2019年,特殊教学奖
- Alpha Omega Alpha医疗荣誉协会会员