The audiology experts at Penn State Health provide comprehensive diagnostic services and treatments for both children and adults.

Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center has eight doctors of audiology on staff who specialize in a wide range of hearing and balance problems. In addition, we have a cochlear implant speech pathologist and a Pennsylvania licensed hearing aid dispenser.

A patient has Real Ear Measurements performed before being fit with a hearing aid.
A patient has Real Ear Measurements performed before being fit with a hearing aid.
Two male doctors wearing special face masks that allow for lip-reading in those that are hearing impaired.
Drs. Pool and Whitaker modeling a special mask that allows for lip-reading in those that are hearing impaired. This was before a successful cochlear implant surgery!
An otoscope is laying on top of a form used to record audiogram test results.
An audiogram depicts a patient's hearing abilities.
An audiology patient, wearing a cochlear implant is taking an aided hearing test.
A patient wearing an cochlear implant participates in aided testing.
A cross section biomedical model of an ear with a cochlear implant.
A cochlear implant is displayed on a model of the ear.

Audiology clinic facts

  • Hershey Medical Center是宾夕法尼亚州唯一的医院,提供镇静听觉脑干反应测试,以确定婴儿的听力损失。对于儿科患者,目标是识别三个月的听力损失,并在六个月内提供干预/放大。这是所有婴儿的全国范围标准,因为适当的干预提供了对试镜和言语和社交技能的发展。
  • 为所有年龄段提供助听器服务,包括实际耳测量,行为测试和验证配件的主观评估。对手术和非技术选择的骨头锚定听力系统进行了评估,编程和管理。
  • Cochlear implants can improve hearing for adults and children. The cochlear implant team consists of audiologists, physicians, speech/language pathologists and other health care professionals who provide activation and programming for all three cochlear implant manufacturers. Adult and pediatric cochlear implant support groups meet throughout the year to provide comprehensive patient and family support.

Available diagnostic evaluations

  • 声学浸泡,鼓膜测量和声学反射研究- 提供有关耳朵机械完整性的信息。
  • Auditory Brainstem Response Testing (ABR)- 评估从内耳到大脑的神经的完整性。当患者侦听点击声音时,电极放置在头皮上。
  • Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs)– Tests of the outer hair cells that help with hearing are used for both screening and comprehensive evaluations.
  • Pure Tone and Speech Audiometry- 衡量不同音高的听觉敏锐度,患者听取和鉴别言论的能力。
  • 前庭/平衡和电生理评估:
    • Videonystagmography – Measures eye movements to evaluate balance
    • Vestibular-evoked myogenic potential – Assesses the response of the balance system to loud sounds
    • Electrocochleography – Evaluates the inner ear and auditory nerve’s response to sound stimulation
    • Electroneuronography – Measures the function of the facial nerve. Facial nerve problems can cause hearing loss, pain and balance problems.
    • 听觉稳态响应 - 确定频率特定的听力障碍

Meet our Experts in Audiology Care



Penn State Health Audiology
200 Campus Drive
Entrance 2
Hershey,PA 17033

Penn State Health Medical Group - Nyes Road Specialties
121 N Nyes Road
Suite C
Harrisburg, PA 17112

Penn State Health Lime Spring Outpatient Center
2221 NOLL驱动器
Suite E100
Lancaster, PA 17603

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Hershey Medical Center aerial view

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