Surgical Procedure to Alleviate Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis affects more than 32 million people each year. Patients with chronic sinusitis experiencesinusitis症状for more than three months. Despite using antibiotics, nasal steroid sprays and other therapies, their symptoms persist, causing continued inflammation or infection in the sinus lining.

If you are suffering from chronic sinusitis, thePenn State Health Otolaryngologyteam is here to help. They offer several treatment options, including different types of sinus surgery. Our team will work with you to determine the best one to fit your needs and alleviate your symptoms.

118金宝搏抽水宾夕法尼亚州立大学健康提供balloon dilation sinus surgery (balloon sinuplasty), an outpatient endoscopic procedure with a shorter recovery time. During traditional functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS), the tissue surrounding the sinuses are removed through the nostril to enlarge the opening and aid drainage. The balloon dilation technique instead moves the bone and lining within the nose to open the sinuses using a balloon catheter. Once the balloon is inserted into the sinus openings, it is inflated and moves the bone and tissue to open the sinus drainage pathway.

The surgery typically lasts one to two hours, depending on how many of the sinuses are addressed. All sinus surgeries have nasal bleeding, drainage and discomfort following the procedure; however, the balloon dilation procedure offers patients reduced postoperative symptoms and the ability to go home a few hours following surgery.

Symptoms, Diagnosis and Outlook

Chronic sinusitis symptoms may include:

  • Cough
  • Decreased sense of smell
  • Facial pressure, especially in the forehead, cheeks and behind the eyes
  • Fever
  • Nasal congestion
  • Pain in the upper mouth
  • Postnasal drip (mucus that “drips” down the back of your throat)

To determine if you are a candidate for balloon dilation sinus surgery, your otolaryngologist will review your symptoms and discuss all treatment options. A sinus CT will be necessary to determine what surgical options are available. Balloon dilation sinus surgery is often used in combination with traditional surgery to yield the best results.

The otolaryngologists at Penn State Health are committed to helping our patients with chronic sinusitis improve. A majority of patients who undergo sinus surgery experience significant relief from chronic sinusitis symptoms. The balloon dilation sinus surgery is safe, effective and offers long-lasting improvements.

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Why Choose Penn State Health for Care

Multidisciplinary Surgical Care

The Penn State Health team of otolaryngology experts provide multidisciplinary surgical care to our chronic sinusitis patients. We will work closely with you to determine the best treatment path to help alleviate your symptoms. Our team also partners with additional Penn State Health specialists such as Allergy and Immunology and Ophthalmology to offer high-quality, comprehensive care.

Commitment to Clinical Trials

The Penn State Health otolaryngology team is committed to furthering ear, nose and throat research and clinical trials in partnership with Penn State College of Medicine. To learn more about clinical trials available at Penn State Health,visit StudyFinder.

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