Reoccurring Vaginitis

Vaginal infections or vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina or vulva that is caused by vaginal bacteria or an infection. Some skin disorders and hormone levels can also cause chronic vaginitis.

Types of chronic vaginal infections or vaginitis include:

  • Bacterial vaginosis – an overgrowth of bacteria normally found in the vagina
  • Vulvodynia – chronic pain in the vulva
  • Yeast infection – a fungal infection causing normally present yeast to grow uncontrollably

Symptoms, Diagnosis and Outlook

Although 75% of all women experience at least one episode of vaginitis in their lifetime, chronic vaginal infections can impact your daily routine. Symptoms of vaginitis and chronic vaginal infections include:

  • Bleeding or spotting
  • Discharge
  • Itching
  • Irritation
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Soreness
  • Cracked skin
  • Pain during intercourse or urination

To effectively diagnose the cause of your chronic vaginal infections, we will perform a physical exam and take a detailed medical history, including prior infections and sexually transmitted infections. Testing may include a sample of discharge or vaginal tissue and a pH test. Our overall goal is to provide you relief and comfort from the pain of chronic infections.

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Why Choose Penn State Health for Care

Experts in Recurrent Infections

我们是一个区域转诊中心的女性recurrent vaginal infections. Our Vulvovaginitis Clinic is recognized for successfully treating women who have recurrent infections that haven’t responded to traditional treatment.

A Team Vaginal Infection Specialists

The Vulvovaginitis Clinic is unique because we specialize in recurring infections and understand what treatment options are most effective. We use a variety of medical treatments, including specially compounded topical medications to find you relief.

A Comprehensive, Multidisciplinary Team Approach

Chronic vaginal infections require more than medical management of the infection. We are specialists who collaborate to provide you with the most complete, compassionate care. This also means working with your primary care provider, pain management specialists and other medical professionals to ensure we combine our knowledge to find the best way to manage your condition.

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