The Penn State Health Approach to Cognitive Disorders

Is confusion, disorganization or memory loss affecting you or someone you care about? The team of neurological experts at Penn State Health can help determine whether it’s nothing to worry about or the warning signs of a serious health condition like Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia.

Brain aging and dementia can affect your memory and ability to learn new skills or information. They alter your perception and may make it difficult for you to concentrate, make decisions or actively participate in your life.

Dementia Symtoms

Although the signs of dementia vary according to the type and severity of your condition, common symptoms include:

  • Short- and long-term memory loss
  • Confusion
  • Impaired judgement and decision-making
  • Poor coordination and lack of balance
  • Difficulty planning and carrying out routine tasks

Dementia affects each person differently and can vary significantly in the speed at which it invades your daily life. Early detection and treatment may help slow the progression of many cognitive disorders and reduce their impact on your health and overall well-being.

Cohesive, Multidisciplinary Care

Although dementia is not an inevitable result of growing older, aging is the most common risk factor for developing some form of dementia.

Other risks factors include:

  • Family medical history
  • Brain injury
  • Exposure to certain toxins and pesticides
  • Some chronic conditions like Parkinson’s disease or diabetes

Some treatable medical conditions may cause dementia-like symptoms, which underscores the importance of professional intervention at the earliest sign there’s a potential problem.

At Penn State Health, evaluation, treatment and follow up care for dementia is provided by a multidisciplinary team comprised of board-certified neurologists and neurosurgeons, experts in associated specialties and highly skilled therapists, nurses and other healthcare professionals. Our team works with you to determine if further care is needed to address your cognitive issues and preserve your quality of life.

Treatment options include:

  • Brain function enhancing medications and dietary supplements
  • Specific medications for specific to dementia
  • Social work assistance for patients and families
  • Lifestyle changes to improve brain health
  • Home modifications to promote home safety
  • Regular monitoring to see where you stand
  • Advice about what to do and what to expect

Support Groups

Support groups provide an opportunity to share your feelings and connect with other patients and caregivers who are experiencing similar struggles.

Learn more about support groups offered

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Why Choose Penn State Health for Care

You can trust the team at Penn State Health to provide accurate evaluation and advanced care to help you manage the complex health needs brought on by a dementia.

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