Offering reduced pain and decreased hospital stays
We use advanced surgical techniques and the newest generation in minimally invasive technology to achieve excellence and safety.
Our techniques can be applied to a broad range of surgical procedures.
Major advantages to minimally invasive surgery include reduced post-operative pain, decreased hospital length of stay, and earlier return to pre-operative function.
These techniques have allowed us to perform new, complex, and conventional procedures without the major risks associated with a large open incision.
Our goal is to provide surgical excellence and care to all our patients.
Our commitment to patient care
We’re committed to improving our patients’ health and quality of life.
Advantages of minimally invasive surgery include:
- Shorter hospital stay
- Less discomfort
- Smaller incisions
- Faster recovery
Our surgeons are among the most experienced minimally invasive surgeons in the world and we are proud to offer a full range of minimally invasive surgical services. Taking a team approach to care, we work closely with patient's physicians.
We perform thorough medical evaluations prior to surgery. Patients usually go home one or two days after surgery and we provide follow-up care until patients are fully recovered. Learn more aboutwhat to expect during surgery.
Procedures we specialize in include:
- Adrenalectomy (removal of one or both of the adrenal glands)
- Cholecystectomy (removal of the gall bladder)
- Donor renal transplant surgery
- Heller myotomy (cardiomyotomy)
- Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair
- Laparoscopic ventral/incisional hernia repair
- Nissen fundoplication
- Paraesophageal疝代表air
- Revisional foregut surgery
- Splenectomy
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Convenient Locations
Find the care your family needs, close to home, at one of our many locations throughout central Pennsylvania.
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