
Penn State Health的神经病学专家团队巧妙地将高级诊118金宝搏抽水断和治疗方案与富有同情心的协作护理融合在一起,以解决您的感觉功能障碍(周围神经病)的各个方面。

Sensory dysfunction occurs when the nerves outside your brain and spinal cord (peripheral nerves) cause numbness, weakness and pain—typically in your hands and feet—although in some cases the condition affects other areas of your body.

Your peripheral nerves relay information back and forth from your brain and spinal cord to the rest of your body. When those messages are interrupted or delayed, peripheral nerve disorders, like sensory dysfunction, can result.

There are more than 100 types of peripheral neuropathy, each with its own unique symptoms and treatment options. They fall into three categories, depending on the type of nerve damage you have. In some cases, peripheral neuropathy affects one or two nerve groups, but it most often impacts the nerves in all three categories.

  • Sensory nerves: connect to your skin and receive sensations like pain, touch and temperature
  • 运动神经:连接到您的肌肉和控制运动
  • Autonomic nerves: connect to your internal organs and control functions like heart rate, bladder, blood pressure and digestion

Symptoms, Diagnosis and Outlook

Sensory Dysfunction Symptoms

Although the symptoms of sensory dysfunction may appear without warning, most tend to start gradually and increase over time. Pain is usually felt on both sides of your body and can occur constantly or in periodic intervals.

Symptoms include:

  • 散布到脚,手,腿或手臂的麻木
  • Burning, throbbing or sharp pain
  • Sensitivity to touch
  • Muscle weakness
  • “Pins and needles” or tingling sensation
  • Heat intolerance
  • 膀胱,肠或消化问题

Diagnosing Sensory Dysfunction

Sensory dysfunction has several potential causes. The experts at Penn State Health perform a comprehensive physical exam and detailed review of your medical history.


  • Blood tests
  • Advanced imaging like CT scan or MRI
  • Nerve biopsy
  • 肌电图(EMG)以测量神经功能
  • Nerve conduction study to measure nerve signal transmission

Outlook for Sensory Dysfunction Patients

The outlook for sensory dysfunction varies according to its severity and underlying cause. In some cases, the condition improves with treatment and time. In others, the damage may be difficult or impossible to reverse causing it to worsen as your illness progresses.

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Why Choose Penn State Health for Care

The multidisciplinary general neurology team at Penn State Health offers cohesive, comprehensive inpatient and outpatient care to help you manage headache, weakness and sensory dysfunction. Our high level of expertise helps patients throughout the state achieve better health and quality of life.

Your care team may include:

  • Board-certified neurologists
  • Physicians in related specialties
  • Medical researchers
  • Physician assistants
  • Nurse practitioners
  • Highly skilled support staff



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