Penn State Health recognizes that family is an integral part of the care team. Family/support persons of non-COVID-19 patients are permitted to be on-site to facilitate patient- and family-centered care under the guidelines below. No other visitors are permitted on-site at this time.

General Visitation Guidelines for Family/Support Persons

Persons entering any Penn State Health facility will be screened for COVID-19. No one with symptoms will be permitted to enter. Everyone entering our facilities -包括那些完全疫苗的人对Covid-19完全接种疫苗- must wear a medical-grade surgical, N95 or KN95 mask and adhere to appropriate social distancing guidelines, when possible, for the duration of their stay.  A surgical mask will be provided for those who do not have one.Those who refuse to wear a mask may have their family/support privileges revoked. 

Family/support persons must be 18 years of age or older, unless they are the parent of a pediatric patient or the partner of a laboring patient.

病人s who have an intellectual, developmental or cognitive disability, communication barrier or behavioral concerns will be permitted to have one attendant, caregiver or family/support person in accordance with federal and state law.

Family/support persons are expected to respect the privacy and health care needs of the patient. In the event a family/support person becomes disruptive, uncooperative, threatening or presents any safety risk to patients or staff, their visitation privileges may be revoked.

Visitation for patients with COVID-19 is determined by the care teams in consultation with families on a case-by-case basis.

Guidelines for Family/Support Persons for Inpatient Visitations

  • Adult inpatients may have two family/support persons accompanying them per day. The two family/support persons are not permitted to spend the night.
  • 我npatient pediatric patients and pediatric surgery patients are permitted to have two family/support people per day. Family/support people are permitted to spend the night if space allows.
  • Labor and Delivery and postpartum patients are permitted to have two family/support persons for the entire duration of the stay.

Guidelines for Family/Support Persons for Outpatient Surgery

  • Adult patients are permitted to have two family/support persons per day.
  • Pediatric patients may have two family/support people accompany them throughout the surgical process, except for the operating room.

Guidelines for Family/Support Persons for Outpatient Procedural Areas

  • Adult patients are permitted to have two family/support persons per day.
  • Two family/support persons may accompany a pediatric patient per day. Two family/support persons are permitted to spend the night if space allows.

Guidelines for Family/Support Persons for the Emergency Department

  • 在患者在一夜之间举行的情况下,允许进入紧急部门的成年患者有两个家庭/支持人员陪伴他们。
  • Pediatric patients are allowed to have two family/support people to accompany them per day, in the event a patient is held overnight.

Guidelines for Family/Support Persons for Outpatient Clinic Visits

  • Adult patients accessing outpatient clinics are permitted to have two family/support persons to accompany them per day.
  • Pediatric patients are allowed two family/support persons to accompany them per day.