You can access your medical records online via our secure website,My Penn State Health, or by submitting completed forms to the Health Information Services office.
Medical records requests
Penn State Health Information Management and Medical Records department located at Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and St. Joseph Medical Center are now open to patients and customers. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Please be aware that masks are required when entering the department.
NOTE:due to COVID-19 and for your health and safety all requests for medical records for Penn State Health Holy Spirit Medical Center will be handled by phone and mailed to you by calling717-763-2660.
If you have not yet signed up for My Penn State Health, a convenient, secure website that makes it easy to communicate with your physicians, pay bills, and make appointments. Learn how tosign up and use this service to manage your health care records.
You can also submit a request for your medical records to the Health Information Services office bycompleting and submitting an authorization form - EnglishorSpanish.
Upon your request and authorization, records will be mailed directly to your health care provider at no charge within seven to ten business days.
Penn State Health - Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
500 University Drive, Attn: HIM
Mail Code HU24
Hershey, PA 17033
Visit My Penn State Health
The easiest way to access your electronic medical records is through our secure website for patient tools and information,My Penn State Health.
This site gives you access to your medical records and test results, where you can print a copy for your needs.
The guide to getting and using your health records
A health record (also known as a medical record) is a written account of a person’s health history, including appointment notes, prescriptions, treatments, tests, and vaccines. It’s also for people who need the record of someone they represent or care for, like a child, elderly parent, or an adult with a disability.
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology has developed this online guide to help people through the process of getting and using their health record. VisitThe guide to getting and using your health recordsfor more information.