Plan Your Visit
Holidays & Special Hours
118金宝搏抽水宾州国家健康致力于患者,员工,访客和公众的安全。我们目前只是允许家庭/支持人员陪伴我们的设施内的患者。每天每年住院间访问一次家庭/支持人员。每天每次儿科住院性访问都允许两个父母/监护人。每件套visitation restriction policy不,除了患者指定的家庭/支持人员之外,没有访客是允许的。View additional visitation information.
Important Phone Numbers
CareLine:717-531-6955(locally) or800-243-1455(toll-free)
- Call our CareLine to make an appointment or for general questions
- TTY:717-531-4395or800-731-3032(toll-free)
- 连接到医院部门和服务区
- Find and contact a patient
Outpatient pre-arrival:717-531-1300
- For patient registration, insurance verification, and financial evaluation
Patient concerns:717-531-6311
- Share a concern有患者的经历联络
Billing and insurance:800-254-2619 or 717-531-5069
- Learn more aboutbilling and insurance
Medical records:717-531-8055
- Learn more about病历
If you're having an emergency, please dial 911.
这急诊科(ED) at the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center is central Pennsylvania’s only Level I Trauma Center for both children and adults. We specialize in the assessment and treatment of trauma, stroke, heart and vascular, pediatric and neurosurgery patients. We also have specially trained forensic registered nurses, called Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners, who provide sexual assault survivors with comprehensive, compassionate care. No matter what time of day or night, our Emergency Department is here when you need it most.
What happens when I arrive?
这triage process allows the more seriously ill or injured patients to be seen first那even if they arrive after other patients. We know that waiting can be frustrating and we want to thank you in advance for your patience.
What’s next?
You will either be placed in a patient care area or in the waiting area. Our ED staff may begin tests, including labs and radiology studies, if needed. It is our goal to reevaluate your condition every two hours, but if you feel your condition has changed, let one of our staff members know immediately. Please do not eat or drink anything until first checking with one of our registered nurses.
What happens in the patient care area?
You will be examined by a physician who specializes in emergency medicine. Based on your condition, you will receive additional tests and treatments. It may take two hours or more to get your test results. A registered nurse will keep you informed about what is happening with your treatment.
You may be asked the same questions by multiple members of our team so we have the most accurate information. This is done to verify your identity and provide you with safe, high-quality care.
获取有关如何的最新信息118金宝搏抽水宾夕法尼亚州的健康is managing COVID-19。
您的疾病或伤害可能需要入院Hershey Medical Center。工作人员会将您运送到可用的床。如果您的病情需要在Hershey Medical Center提供的治疗,您将转入适当的医疗保健设施。
Patients who are discharged home are given complete after-care instructions and prescriptions, as needed.
Our Emergency Department has an area dedicated to patients under age 18 with staff members who have special training in pediatric emergency medicine. At least one parent or legal guardian must remain with their child at all times. Blue bracelets are provided to positively link the caregiver and child.
Patient Portal
我的宾118金宝搏抽水州国家健康是一个安全的网站where you can schedule appointments, email your health care provider, check test results, refill prescriptions and pay your bill.
For questions about your copay or the billing process, our registration team can assist you.
We value your feedback
Our goal is to provide each patient with the highest-quality emergency medical care. If you have any questions or concerns about the care you received in the ED, please contact Patient Relations at717-531-6311,平日从上午8:30到下午4:30。您也可能需要几分钟来回答简短,三个问题调查about your visit.
We accept a variety of health insurance plans and will submit claims on your behalf. Certain coverage restrictions may apply based on your individual benefit package.