
The Penn State Health Approach to Dermatology

Penn State Health provides complete care for a full range of skin conditions, from acne and rashes to skin cancer. Our dermatologists and skin care specialists are the trusted choice of families throughout central Pennsylvania.

We’re committed to delivering personalized care and offering the latest medical advancements. As an academic medical center, we’re continually seeking new ways to find and treat skin conditions. We also educate our patients and the community about sun protection and skin cancer prevention. We offer free skin cancer screenings annually, hold a monthly clinic dedicated to serving the health needs of the under-served in Harrisburg, and support Camp Discovery - a summer camp for young people with chronic skin conditions.

Our dermatologists have advanced knowledge and experience to treat dermatological conditions in people of all ages. We develop a personalized solution to give you the best results possible.

当您来到Penn State He118金宝搏抽水alth时,您可以指望治疗皮肤,头发和指甲条件的最高级别。

Complete Care for a Full Range of Dermatological Conditions

Our dermatology team offers the latest treatments for a full range of skin, hair and nail conditions - from laser treatment and light therapy to Mohs surgery for skin cancer. We have the expertise to treat routine conditions such as allergic rashes to skin problems caused by lupus or genetic diseases.

您可以从专家团队中受益于全面的服务。我们的皮肤科医生与之密切合作化妆品服务团队提供最新的皮肤复兴方法。他们也与之合作plastic and reconstructive surgeonsand耳朵,鼻子和喉咙手术后,癌症或其他疾病后恢复外观。您可以获得综合的知识,经验和广泛的治疗方法,您将在附近的其他地方找到任何地方。

健康的头发用护理 - 皮肤科健康倡议

A child’s crayon drawing shows a boy and a girl, both wearing superhero masks, smiling and holding hands. Among the many words written around the figures are “All Hair is Beautiful.”

当她在成长时,Claire Hollins博士saw women around her who wore hairstyles so tight it caused them pain.


Today, Hollins, an assistant professor of Penn State College of Medicine’s Department of Dermatology, regularly sees the long-term impact of those tight hairstyles. Women come to her for help with traction alopecia, or hair loss caused by repeated pulling on the hair, especially in conjunction with hair chemicals or heat.

Read more about皮肤科医生如何教育女孩,他们不需要紧,破坏发型是美丽的

Penn State Dermatology at Hershey Gardens

Penn State Dermatology与Hershey Gardens合作,帮助保护社区免受阳光的危险。我们在访问花园期间,我们捐赠了五十乌上的游客使用,免费使用。他们的专业面料在享受风景如画的风景时保护来自太阳有害的光线(UVA和UVB)的游客。

Skin Cancer and Aging

皮肤癌is the most common type of cancer in the United States. The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays are associated with 90 percent of all non-melanoma skin cancer and 65 percent of melanomas. A person’s risk for melanoma - the most serious form of skin cancer - doubles if he or she has had five or more sunburns. More than 100,000 Americans are diagnosed with melanoma annually. In addition to skin cancer, up to 90 percent of visible changes commonly attributed to aging are caused by the sun.



  • Schedule outdoor activities in the early morning or late afternoon. Seek the shade between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun is most intense. Use your umbrella!
  • 涂抹并重新涂抹一个全盎司(两汤匙)防晒霜到身体,包括脸部镍大小的桌子。
  • Cover-up with UV-blocking clothing, including a broad-brimmed hat and sunglasses.
Three Doctors Standing Outside A Hospital Chatting To Each Other Laughing

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Support Groups

HS - Hidradenitisuppurativa支持小组的希望

希望HS.是人民的支持小组Hidradenitis Suppurativa(HS). Meet other individuals and their loved ones and exchange ideas about the...

希望HS.是人民的支持小组Hidradenitis Suppurativa(HS). Meet other individuals and their loved ones and exchange ideas about the general management of HS such as wound care and social support. Facilitated by Penn State Department of Dermatology clinicians, researchers and staff, the support group is free and open to patients with HS and their family and friends.

There is the option to call into the meeting for those unable to attend in person. Please contact the HS chapter director atPSHDerm@hopeforhs.orgfor additional information.


黑色瘤Support Group has been created to provide support to Stage 3 and 4 melanoma patients and their caregivers by sharing our experiences and practical...


获取更多资讯,请联系Carol Mallon, MS, RN, AOCNS717-531-5784orMary Ellen Loser, BSN, RN, CPSN717-531-1657

查看全部Support Groups


We’re known across central Pennsylvania for our expertise in dermatology and quality, patient-centered care.



  • 受尊敬的皮肤科医生,许多人在美国最好的医生中得到了认可
  • High patient-satisfaction ratings - our team is one of the highest-ranked within Penn State Health
  • 皮肤科Acute Care Clinic Acute Care Clinic improves patient access to get urgent skin problems addressed
  • Multidisciplinary Skin Oncology Clinic, a pioneer in combating the growing skin cancer problem in central Pennsylvania
  • 太阳保护项目,在整个社区中传播皮肤保护意识,以及树荫,树木,遮阳伞和衣服等项目


我们的皮肤科医生治疗所有类型的皮肤,头发和指甲问题 - 包括由自身免疫条件或治疗副作用引起的那些。无论您的诊断如何,我们都可以提供帮助。

我们采取了一支团队方法,以确保您获得所需的护理,以缓解所有症状。我们的皮肤科医生与外科医生和其他医生一起使用allergy and immunologycancer那interventional radiology and other areas to give you comprehensive care.


118金宝搏抽水宾夕法尼亚州立大学健康探索新的方法来提高汽车e for conditions such as acne, lupus, psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa and others. That means you can get some of the most promising treatments before they become widely available. Find out if a dermatology临床试验is right for you.

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