
We use the most advanced surgical innovations and equipment, including robotic and laparoscopic procedures. Among the benefits to patients are less pain after surgery, a shorter hospital stay and a quicker return to normal activities.

Penn State Health is committed to delivering world-class, collaborative patient care with a human touch, while advancing scientific research and training the surgical innovators of tomorrow.

Our areas of focus

We offer comprehensive surgical services in many specialized areas, including:

Why Choose Penn State Health

Institutional and national quality programs

As part of our commitment to patient care, we have an extensive quality program that documents outcomes in all clinical divisions.

We also participate in the national Surgical Care Improvement Program and the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program of the American College of Surgeons.

Leaders in academic surgery

Our mission is to provide the highest quality in clinical care, education and research, incorporating the latest in evidence-based knowledge and techniques.

We continue to build on a proud tradition of excellence in patient-focused care and research.

Three Doctors Standing Outside A Hospital Chatting To Each Other Laughing

Experts in Care

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Support Groups

Support groups provide an opportunity to share your feelings and connect with other patients and caregivers who are experiencing similar struggles.

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Hershey Medical Center aerial view

Convenient Locations

Find the care your family needs, close to home, at one of our many locations throughout central Pennsylvania.

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