With thePenn State Health Neurology OnDemand service, you can get expert care without leaving home.
We Bring Expertise to You
We understand it's not always convenient to see a neurologist when you need to. With OnDemand, we bring a neurologist to you.
你可以看到一个神经学团队成员通过视频哟ur smartphone, tablet or computer. It's secure and easy to use. And, you can even have a family member join your virtual visit to help take part in managing your health - no matter where they are.
Schedule a Virtual Visit
To schedule your virtual appointment, you now have two options:
Schedule online:
- On pennstatehealthondemand.com, click on the Penn State Health OnDemand Neurology page.
- Schedule your appointment by date or provider. Click the drop down arrow on the right side of the bar of your preference.
- If you prefer to schedule by date, click on the date you would like that is highlighted green. Select the time and/or provider and follow the instructions and click on the Schedule Your Appointment bar.
Schedule by phone:
- Call717-531-3828.
- Choose选项1, and then chooseoption 2.
- Provide your email address to complete the scheduling process.
You must be enrolled inPenn State Health OnDemandbefore you can schedule your visit. If you have technical difficulties during the enrollment process, our schedulers (at the number above) can help you enroll and schedule your appointment.
Get Started
It’s free to sign up. You can use your smart phone or computer:
- To download the mobile app, search forPenn State Health OnDemandat theApple Store foriPhoneor theGoogle Play Store forAndroid.
- On your computer, visitPennStateHealthOnDemand.com. Be sure to use theGoogle Chrome browserfor the best experience.
How to Enroll
It’s quick and easy. Fill in all the fields on the next three screens:
- On the sign-up screen, type in your information, and pressSign Up.
- Fill in all the fields on the next screen, and pressContinue.
- Answer the health insurance question, and clickFinish.
The next screen will confirm you've completed registration. Now that you're enrolled, you can schedule an appointment with a specialist right away.
Sign Up for the Patient Portal
Please sign up for thepatient portalto get additional information on the telehealth setup process before your telehealth visit. Once you’re signed up you can easily share additional patient-related information (outside records, labs, blood pressure results, etc.) once youlog in.
Before Your Visit
After you make your first appointment, you will receive an email to help you prepare.
Mobile Phone or Tablet Setup
When you open the OnDemand app, the first screen will ask to access your location, which allows us to find nearby pharmacies if you need a prescription. You will be prompted to enable push notifications for appointments and access to the microphone and camera. This is necessary to see and talk to the providers and to complete the mobile tech check.
- ClickAllow While Using App.
- ClickAllowto get appointment notifications, including text reminders.
- ClickOKto allow the app to access your microphone for the visit.
- ClickOKto enable the app to access your camera for the visit.
Desktop or Laptop Setup
These instructions may vary depending on the web browser you use.Google Chromeis the preferred browser for a more user-friendly experience.
First, log in to your account with your email and password. You can either go topennstatehealthondemand.comand log in, or use the appointment link from the email. If you use the link, clickGet Started, and then clickContinuein the browser window. This will take you to the login page.
Once you're logged in, you will go through a step-by-step virtual intake process by completing the following screens:
- Get Started. Fill in your phone number, in case the provider needs to call you to follow up. You also may invite someone, such as a family member, to join your visit. ClickContinuewhen you're finished.
- Your Visit. This screen lets you enter what you want to discuss during your visit. At the bottom of the screen, you need to acknowledge receipt of the Notice of Privacy Practices (click the link to read them). ClickContinue.
Follow the instructions to test your device’s video and microphone. If you can’t establish a connection, your provider will call the phone number you provided.