
Living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) is one way to address the shortage of donor organs. LDLT allows your health care team to schedule an elective liver transplant operation at a mutually agreed upon time - enabling the donor, the recipient, and their immediate circle of family to plan ahead for absences from work, childcare, and other concerns.

常见问题 - 一般问题

What is a living donor liver transplant?

In a living donor liver transplant (LDLT), a donor provides a portion of his or her liver so that someone - usually a family member or close friend - can receive a needed liver transplant.

Who can receive a portion of a liver from a living donor?


Who can be a living liver donor?

Living donors must:

  • 与将收到移植的人关系密切,例如配偶,家庭成员或亲密朋友
  • Be between the ages of 18 and 55
  • Have a blood type that is compatible with the blood type of potential recipient (not necessarily the same blood type)
  • 身体健康:
    • No more than one abdominal surgery
    • 没有心脏病
    • Body mass index (BMI) less than 30
  • 精神上健康


On the day of surgery, the donor is usually taken to the operating room first. While the donor is under general anesthesia, the surgeon makes an incision in the upper abdomen. The surgeon removes the gall bladder, and dye is injected into the liver to show the liver’s anatomy in detail. This is called a cholangiogram.

Sometimes, the cholangiogram reveals a problem with the liver that was not found during previous testing. On rare occasions, the transplant will need to be cancelled, and the donor’s incision will be closed.

If the operation proceeds, one of the lobes of the liver will be removed. The donor’s remaining liver will still be able to do its job. The surgery usually lasts between four and six hours.


Over the next two months, the part of the liver that was transplanted and the part of the liver that remains in the donor will grow to a normal size. Both livers should be capable of functioning normally.

What are the benefits of living donor transplantation?

  • A liver transplant is the ONLY CURE and life-saving measure for a patient with end stage liver disease (cirrhosis).
  • In our area of the country, 20 to 25 percent of patients will die while waiting for a liver transplant.
  • 现场捐赠者移植将允许在开发更重要的肝相关问题之前进行的操作。这是一个计划的操作,可以降低等待移植患者的应力。

FAQs - For liver transplant recipients

Who can I talk to if I’m not sure a transplant is right for me?

与您的肝病学家谈论移植过程。然后致电宾州卫生米尔顿S.Hershey Medical Cent118金宝搏抽水er的移植团队(800-525-5395or717-531-6092) to set up an appointment. Appointment times are available Mondays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. We’ll work with you to schedule further testing.

After you schedule an appointment, you’ll receive a packet in the mail. Please fill in the information requested and return it to our office as soon as possible. If you need to change your appointment time, please call as soon as possible to reschedule.

Someone has offered to donate part of their liver for my transplant. What steps should I take?

Have your potential donor call our office at800-525-5395or717-531-6092, and ask to speak to our living donor coordinator. The coordinator will ask a few questions to see if your potential donor might be suitable. If so, we’ll set up an appointment to see this donor and also ask them to get blood type testing. You and your donor do not have to be the same blood type, but your blood types must be compatible.

How do I get placed on the transplant list?

After your testing is complete, our transplant team will review your records and make a decision about your placement on the list. One of our pre-transplant coordinators will call you to let you know our decision, and you’ll receive a letter in the mail.

What happens after I am placed on the transplant list?

You’ll need to provide blood samples at least every 90 days through your local lab, and you’ll need regular clinic visits. We’ll review your lab values and let you know how often you need to come to the clinic for a visit.

FAQs - For liver transplant donors

I’d like to donate part of my liver for a friend or family member. What steps should I take?

致电宾夕法尼亚州卫生米尔顿S.Hershey Medical118金宝搏抽水 Center的移植办公室:717-531-6092or800-525-5395. Our living donor coordinator will ask some questions about your health to see if you might be a candidate. We may also ask you to have blood tests to confirm your blood type and to make sure you’re healthy enough to be a donor. If tests confirm that you may be a potential donor, we’ll work with you to arrange further testing.

What happens next?



The first step is to have a checkup by a Donor Advocate Team (DAT). Your safety is our top priority. You are free to talk to anyone on the DAT about any physical, emotional or family concerns related to the donor surgery.


If you decide to move forward with donating part of your liver, you will be scheduled for a more thorough evaluation, including:

  • A physical exam
  • A meeting with a psychiatrist to help you understand how your life might change after the surgery and to talk about any stress you might have now or later
  • A chest X-ray and electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
  • A liver ultrasound, using sound waves to create an image of your liver
  • 肺部(肺)功能测试
  • 血液测试
  • A computed tomography (CT or CAT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the liver











Most problems related to liver donation are minor and get better on their own. The most common problems are bleeding, infection and pain related to the surgery.

很少,一个问题可能需要另一个手术或medical procedure. The most common problem is a bile leak (5 to 15 percent of cases). Your liver secretes bile to aid in digestion. Most bile leaks get better without the need for surgery. Sometimes, tubes need to be placed endoscopically to aid in healing of this leak. In rare cases, surgery is needed to correct the bile leak.

Another problem that can require treatment is a biliary stricture (narrowing or constriction of the ducts that carry bile from the liver). Some strictures can be fixed by inserting tubes endoscopically and rarely will require surgical repair.

Am I making the right decision in donating part of my liver?

Only you can answer that question. Find out as much as you can about the operation, its risks, and the effect it may have on your life and family before making a decision. You will need to take time off work for evaluation, surgery and recovery. You’ll need to consider how missing work could affect your job, finances, family and life.

The transplant team can answer any questions and provide any information you need to help you decide. The Donor Advocate Team will also make sure you’re fully informed, so you can make the decision that’s right for you.



记住,你很快就会回来的l need to take time off work for the evaluation, surgery and recovery, so you should plan your household expenses and finances ahead of time. Be sure to check with your company’s human resources department to learn what your options are under the Family Medical Leave Act and to find out about any short-term disability benefits you may have.