Support groups provide an opportunity to share your feelings and connect with other parents and caregivers who are experiencing similar struggles. Learn more about the support groups offered at Penn State Health.

Hershey Medical Center

Adult and Pediatric Weight Management

如果您想减少饮食和锻炼,或者恢复正轨,这些课程可能会有所帮助。Dietitians offer expert advice and...




Band Together Strength Training Program

这项针对老年人的自由实力训练计划由教堂和其他社区地点的训练有素的志愿者领导。In three, one-hour sessions a week, you...

这项针对老年人的自由实力训练计划由教堂和其他社区地点的训练有素的志愿者领导。在每周三个小时的三个小时的课程中,您可以变得更强壮,感觉更好,结交新朋友,保持独立性 - 并玩得开心。了解更多信息,给我们发电子邮件

Learn more aboutBand Together Strength Training Program

Bladder Cancer Support Group


该小组提供了分享癌症相关经验的机会,并通过正式会议,个人接触和新闻通讯为患有膀胱癌及其家人的患者提供鼓励,希望,教育和情感支持。该小组通过意识功能,研讨会和筹款活动来支持膀胱癌研究。有关更多信息,请致电支持小组联络717-531-0003,,,,extension 285863or emailTheda Shaw,RN,MSN,临床计划协调员

Blood Cancer Support Group


All patients and family members affected by leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma are invited to join us for an evening of support, friendly conversation and refreshments. Please come and share your challenges, concerns and thoughts with others who have similar experiences.

Bone Marrow/Stem Cell Transplant



有关更多信息,请致电717-531-0003,,,,extension 281210


We offer several support groups at the Penn State Health Breast Center.

Moving Forwardis an informal setting where you can meet other women diagnosed...

We offer several support groups at the Penn State Health Breast Center.

Moving Forwardis an informal setting where you can meet other women diagnosed with breast cancer. Sessions are held the second Monday of every month, from 6-7:30 p.m. For more information or to register, contactNichole Cook717-531-7492

FORCE是BRCA基因突变载体的支持组。力量为受世袭乳房,卵巢和相关癌症影响的个人和家庭提供信息,支持意识和倡导。请联系717-531-1631for more information.

粉红色缎带程序is a therapeutic exercise program designed for patients after breast cancer surgery and promotes awareness and advocacy for individuals and families affected by hereditary breast, ovarian and related cancers. The support group focuses on the support and educational needs of patients and families whose lives have been touched by breast cancer. ContactJennifer Pricevia email or phone717-531-7075for more information.


Penn State Health Cerebral Revascularization offers resources for patients with moyamoya or intracranial stenosis. To receive further information, please call717-531-0895or

Cochlear Implant Support Group

Sponsored by Audiology at Penn State Health Children’s Hospital, this support group provides information about cochlear implant surgery as well as an opportunity for cochlear...

Sponsored by Audiology at Penn State Health Children’s Hospital, this support group provides information about cochlear implant surgery as well as an opportunity for cochlear implant recipients and their families to connect with other implant recipients.

To learn more, please call audiology services at717-531-6822

Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis Support Group

克罗恩氏和结肠炎支持小组提供正无穷ormation, support and resources for patients and families with the goal of building a group that allows the...

克罗恩氏和结肠炎支持小组提供正无穷ormation, support and resources for patients and families with the goal of building a group that allows the Carlino Family Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center patients and their family members to develop connections with and receive support from other patients and care providers. Our scheduled speakers provide practical and up-to-date information on various aspects of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).


了解更多信息,contact Rachael Wentzel, IBD support group facilitator

Diabetes Support Groups

无论您是刚诊断出还是糖尿病多年,我们的支持小组都可以帮助您良好的糖尿病生活。Meet others who face...



Epilepsy Support Group

Living with epilepsy is challenging. Talking to other people and families who are living with epilepsy can help you cope and find ways to support...

Living with epilepsy is challenging. Talking to other people and families who are living with epilepsy can help you cope and find ways to support yourself and each other. That’s why we offer support groups for our epilepsy patients and their families. Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and the西方和中部癫痫协会co-sponsor an epilepsy support group every month from 6 to 7:30 p.m. There is no fee to attend. For more information, contact Gretchen Knaub atgknaub@eawcp.orgor717-730-6779,,,,x2001.


This support group for BRCA gene mutation carriers offers information, support, awareness and advocacy for individuals and families affected by hereditary breast, ovarian and related...


Gastric Bypass - New Dimensions



这group generally meets on the third Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. at the Surgical Weight Loss program clinic, 3100 Schoolhouse Road in Middletown. All pre-op and post-op patients, friends and family are welcome.

Registration and session dates

Please call717-531-7260注册并接收有关即将举行的会议的信息。

Head and Neck Cancer

This group provides an opportunity for head and neck cancer patients, as well as their family members, to develop connections with and receive support from...

This group provides an opportunity for head and neck cancer patients, as well as their family members, to develop connections with and receive support from other patients and caregivers. The support group meets every fourth Sunday of the month. For more information, call717-531-8945or e-mailHead and Neck Support Group

Heart Transplant (Adult)

Hershey Hearts is a peer support group for heart transplant recipients, patients waiting for a heart transplant, their families and caregivers. The group will be...

Hershey Hearts is a peer support group for heart transplant recipients, patients waiting for a heart transplant, their families and caregivers. The group will be facilitated by医学博士Eric Popjes。该小组的格式将灵活地满足您明确的需求。

Each session features a guest speaker and is followed by time for group members to share experiences, questions and offer support.

For future dates and topics, please contact the Cardiac Transplant Office at717-531-7459

希望HS– Hidradenitis Suppurativa Support Group

希望HSis a support group for people withHidradenitis Suppurativa(HS). Meet other individuals and their loved ones and exchange ideas about the...

希望HSis a support group for people withHidradenitis Suppurativa(HS). Meet other individuals and their loved ones and exchange ideas about the general management of HS such as wound care and social support. Facilitated by Penn State Department of Dermatology clinicians, researchers and staff, the support group is free and open to patients with HS and their family and friends.

这re is the option to call into the meeting for those unable to attend in person. Please contact the HS chapter director atpshderm@hopeforhs.orgfor additional information.

Leukemia/Lymphoma Blood Cancer


为与血液癌打交道的患者和家庭成员提供支持和教育。这group allows an opportunity for participants to share experiences and enhance coping. For more information, call610-276-3199




获取更多资讯,请联系Carol Mallon, MS, RN, AOCNS717-531-5784orMary Ellen Loser, BSN, RN, CPSN717-531-1657

Moving Forward


You can meet other women diagnosed with breast cancer to share experience, receive support and give strength to each other during and after cancer treatment. Family and significant others are welcome to attend this free group. It’s held on the second Monday of the month, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Penn State Health Breast Center, room 1710 A & B. For more information or to register, contactNichole Cook致电717-531-7492。

Multiple Sclerosis Support Group

Living withmultiple sclerosis不容易。这是一条漫长的道路,充满了许多跌宕起伏。有时我们的朋友和最亲密的家庭成员挣扎...

Living withmultiple sclerosis不容易。这是一条漫长的道路,充满了许多跌宕起伏。And sometimes our friends and closest family members struggle to understand our challenges.

If you want to connect with and learn from others who are on the MS journey, join the Penn State Health Multiple Sclerosis Support Group.这group meets virtually via Zoom, every third Thursday, monthly, 2-3 p.m.

Contact Shannon Orehek, to reserve your spot or for more information, at 717-531-0003, x289131

Muscular Dystrophy

For individuals with muscular dystrophy and related neuro-muscular diseases and their caregivers. For more information, please call717-531-3828(option 1 - Neurology)

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

这American Sleep Apnea Association’s AWAKE (Alert, Well and Keeping Energetic) Network holds a local support group at the Penn State Sleep Research and Treatment...

这American Sleep Apnea Association’s AWAKE (Alert, Well and Keeping Energetic) Network holds a local support group at the Penn State Sleep Research and Treatment Center. The program is a patient-centered group for patients with obstructive sleep apnea. It meets quarterly and consists of lectures from sleep specialists and a support group for patients to share their experiences.

Call Penn State Sleep Research and Treatment Center at717-531-8520for more information.



粉红色缎带程序是由幸存者针对患者和幸存者制定的治疗运动计划。It’s appropriate for all fitness levels and incorporates your doctor’s exercise recommendations. The program helps stretch and strengthen your shoulder, chest, back and abdominal muscles. The exercises improve your range of motion in the areas affected by recent or past breast cancer surgery. For more information, contactJennifer Price致电717-531-7075。

Prostate Cancer Support Group


This support group is open to all men who are newly diagnosed or dealing with recurrent or advanced prostate cancer, along with their spouses, family members and caretakers. Meetings will provide encouragement, hope, education, emotional support, personal interactions, and mentoring of new patients.

Patients, spouses, family members and caregivers receive encouragement, information and support. The Prostate Cancer support group meets quarterly (January, April, July and October) on the second Monday of each month.



This group is open to those with pulmonary fibrosis, their family, caregivers and supporters. Sessions provide a venue to ask questions, share experiences and are...

This group is open to those with pulmonary fibrosis, their family, caregivers and supporters. Sessions provide a venue to ask questions, share experiences and are formatted to provide members with information, support and resources on all aspects of pulmonary fibrosis. Topics are based on member input and are facilitated by professionals in the field from the Gift of Life program and Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, including physicians, pulmonary rehabilitation therapists and exercise physiologists.

会议每月下午5:30-7举行。并由Max Whitehead-Zimmers,肺纤维化支持组协调员和肺部研究人员组织。

请联系Max Whitehead-Zimmers for more information at717-531-0003,,,,x286335

Pulmonary Fibrosis Caregiver Support Group

该组向患有肺纤维化的人的护理人员开放。这bi-monthly sessions provide a venue to ask questions, share experiences and are formatted...


Meetings are organized by Max Whitehead-Zimmers, Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group Coordinator and pulmonary researcher.

请联系Max Whitehead-Zimmers for more information at717-531-0003ext. 286335

Spinal Cord Injury Support Group

这Spinal Cord Injury support group is open to those with spinal cord injuries, their families and support person. The group allows an opportunity for...

这Spinal Cord Injury support group is open to those with spinal cord injuries, their families and support person. The group allows an opportunity for support, socialization and education. Please join us at Penn State Hershey Rehabilitation Hospital Cafeteria, 1135 Old West Chocolate Avenue, Hummelstown, PA 17036 every third Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m.

请联系Nancy Lokey for more information

Strength for the Journey


Strength for the Journey is a free support group for all cancer patients who meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 11-noon at St. Joseph Cancer Center. The group provides a lifeline to information, support, and encouragement from diagnosis through survivorship.


Stroke Support Group

This group provides programs of interest to stroke survivors and their caregivers as well as an opportunity for support and socialization.

Registration is not required...

This group provides programs of interest to stroke survivors and their caregivers as well as an opportunity for support and socialization.

Registration is not required and there is not a fee to attend.


Thyroid Cancer (ThyCa)

Those with thyroid cancer have the opportunity to meet people facing similar challenges at this free support group. Meetings are open to patients and survivors...

Those with thyroid cancer have the opportunity to meet people facing similar challenges at this free support group. Meetings are open to patients and survivors and their families, friends and supporters. The group is led by Janice Schan, a thyroid cancer survivor, and meets virtually via Zoom, the third Sunday of the month, from noon to 2 p.m.

电子邮件pennstatehersheythyca@gmail.comfor Zoom access information or with questions.

St. Joseph Medical Center

Adult and Pediatric Weight Management

如果您想减少饮食和锻炼,或者恢复正轨,这些课程可能会有所帮助。Dietitians offer expert advice and...




Alzheimer’s Association’s Caregiver Support Group

这Alzheimer’s Association’s Caregiver Support Groups are designed to provide emotional, educational and social support for caregivers through regularly scheduled meetings. They help participants develop methods...

这Alzheimer’s Association’s Caregiver Support Groups are designed to provide emotional, educational and social support for caregivers through regularly scheduled meetings. They help participants develop methods and skills to solve problems. The groups encourage caregivers to maintain their own personal, physical and emotional health, as well as optimally care for the person with dementia.



Bariatric Surgery Support Group

该支持小组于下午6点开会。on the third Thursday of the month at Penn State Health St. Joseph Medical Center, Franciscan Room A. For more...


Bereavement Support

丧亲支持小组对于任何试验encing grief due to the death of a loved one. The support group will assist you in understanding...

丧亲支持小组对于任何试验encing grief due to the death of a loved one. The support group will assist you in understanding how to cope with grief, as well as how to begin turning your mourning into cherished memories of your loved one.

Please register by calling the Spiritual Care Office, Penn State Health St. Joseph at610-378-2297。请留下您的姓名,电话号码,如果您有疑问,请询问牧师。


Breastfeeding Support: The Baby Bistro

Come and meet other women who are breastfeeding their babies. This free drop-in group is a collaboration between Berks County Breastfeeding Coalition and Penn State Health...

Come and meet other women who are breastfeeding their babies. This free drop-in group is a collaboration between Berks County Breastfeeding Coalition and Penn State Health St. Joseph that focuses on allowing breastfeeding mothers to support each other in a warm, nurturing environment. Breastfeeding mothers and their babies are welcome to drop in for a cup of tea, relax, and chat with others about what’s going on as a new mom. Staff trained in lactation are available to answer any breastfeeding questions with accurate, up-to-date information. Weight checks are free. Moms and babies can come for as many weeks as they would like.

了解更多信息,feel free to contact us

Chronic Disease Patient Support Group

This support group provides programs of interest to patients and their caregivers managing chronic diseases such as COPD, diabetes, heart failure and stroke. Sessions offer...

This support group provides programs of interest to patients and their caregivers managing chronic diseases such as COPD, diabetes, heart failure and stroke. Sessions offer an opportunity for support and socialization.

该小组每月的第三个星期四上午10点至11点在Wyomissing的Keizer Blvd. 2607号的宾夕法尼亚州健康圣约瑟夫 - 斯普林岭。118金宝搏抽水

这meetings offer a safe environment, activities, shared experiences and information sessions from a variety of health care professionals, said Clinical Disease Coordinator Morgan Boyer.

“Chronic diseases play into exacerbations that force patients to seek emergency services that could be prevented,” she said. “If they have a person who keeps them on point, someone to talk to for support, they have a greater likelihood of success. The goal is for the client to own their disease.”


Diabetes Education Program


这个10小时的课程为四个小组课程提供了全面的糖尿病自我管理培训。Topics include nutrition, heart health and exercise, reducing the risk of diabetes-related problems, and diabetes medicines. Classes are offered weekdays and evenings at118金宝搏抽水宾夕法尼亚州健康圣约瑟夫医疗中心andPenn State Health St. Joseph - Exeter Ridge。For more information and class registration, call 610-378-2030.

Diabetes Wellness Group

Learn about your diabetes, nutrition, exercise and your medications.

有关更多信息电话610-208 -4728

Managing Diabetes

This 10-hour course provides comprehensive diabetes self-management training is recognized by the ADA. Classes are offered weekdays and evenings at St. Joseph Medical Center and...

This 10-hour course provides comprehensive diabetes self-management training is recognized by the ADA. Classes are offered weekdays and evenings at St. Joseph Medical Center and Exeter Ridge.


Strength for the Journey


Strength for the Journey is a free support group for all cancer patients who meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 11-noon at St. Joseph Cancer Center. The group provides a lifeline to information, support, and encouragement from diagnosis through survivorship.


Penn State Health Children's Hospital

Adult and Pediatric Weight Management

如果您想减少饮食和锻炼,或者恢复正轨,这些课程可能会有所帮助。Dietitians offer expert advice and...




Bereavement Support Group

If you are grieving the loss of a child, you are not alone, There are others who can relate and understand what you are going...

If you are grieving the loss of a child, you are not alone, There are others who can relate and understand what you are going through. Join us for an intimate six-week parent support group (spring and fall) that provides an opportunity to meet others who are going through a similar situation. Call 717-531-8521 ext. 282131 or


与其他父母谁分享故事和关切e children have been diagnosed with childhood apraxia of speech. The group meets quarterly at Penn State Health...

与其他父母谁分享故事和关切e children have been diagnosed with childhood apraxia of speech. The group meets quarterly at Penn State Health Children’s Hospital room P1100 from 6 to 8 p.m. For more information, call717-531-6807

CLIMB (Children’s Lives Include Moments of Bravery)

When children hear that parents or grandparents have been diagnosed with cancer, they may feel all these things and more.


When children hear that parents or grandparents have been diagnosed with cancer, they may feel all these things and more.

Children, like adults, can benefit from professionals who understand their needs, as well. CLIMB is a free, four-week program designed to help children cope when someone they love has cancer by encouraging discussion and creativity.

这child’s loved ones are also welcomed. The program increases their understanding of cancer and its treatment, as well as allows children to form new friendships and bonds with others going through the same thing.

了解更多信息,contact Nichole Cook,,,,or Lynn Fantom at717-531-7492

Cochlear Implant Support Group

Sponsored by Audiology at Penn State Health Children’s Hospital, this support group provides information about cochlear implant surgery as well as an opportunity for cochlear...

Sponsored by Audiology at Penn State Health Children’s Hospital, this support group provides information about cochlear implant surgery as well as an opportunity for cochlear implant recipients and their families to connect with other implant recipients.

To learn more, please call audiology services at717-531-6822


Connect with others who have sustained a concussion to share stories and learn new strategies to manage symptoms. This group meets on the 4th Tuesday...

Connect with others who have sustained a concussion to share stories and learn new strategies to manage symptoms. This group meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:15 p.m.

If you are planning to attend and/or would like additional information, please contactJena Millervia e-mail

Conquering CHD - Pennsylvania


Through our State Chapters we are able to give knowledge, give a voice and give hope, directly meeting the comprehensive, lifelong needs of patients with congenital heart disease and their families through support, education, advocacy and research programming.

Local activities include:

  • Conquering CHD Kits offering critical information and a personal connection for patients with CHD of all ages through individualized care packages
  • Online chat networks bringing people with similar experiences together
  • 面对面的同伴支持,为患者和家庭提供了行走类似道路的人的鼓励和洞察力
  • 社交活动提供了一个安全的环境,以庆祝生活和简单的欢乐
  • 医师教育从患者和家庭的角度提高对先天性心脏病的理解
  • 研究促进和参与有助于有希望的发展成为现实
  • 倡导活动分享我们的故事以改善联邦研究资金

For more information specifically about the Pennsylvania chapter,

Epilepsy Support Group

Living with epilepsy is challenging. Talking to other people and families who are living with epilepsy can help you cope and find ways to support...

Living with epilepsy is challenging. Talking to other people and families who are living with epilepsy can help you cope and find ways to support yourself and each other. That’s why we offer support groups for our epilepsy patients and their families. Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and the西方和中部癫痫协会co-sponsor an epilepsy support group every month from 6 to 7:30 p.m. There is no fee to attend. For more information, contact Gretchen Knaub atgknaub@eawcp.orgor717-730-6779,,,,x2001.


We offer a parent focus group for parents and patients who have a single ventricle physiology.


We offer a parent focus group for parents and patients who have a single ventricle physiology.


请联系Julie Jonesjjones6@pennstatehealth.psu.edufor more information.



这小儿炎症性肠病支持组provides adolescent pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients age 12-18 years and their parents with helpful information and the chance to meet others living with IBD.

这meetings take place quarterly at Penn State Health Children’s Hospital, rooms P1100/P1100A, and feature a brief presentation on educational topics, followed by discussion for the parents and an activity for the adolescents.

Please call717-531-1043for more information..



小时候,拥有慢性医疗需求的兄弟姐妹会感到孤立。Sibshops is an exciting program just made for brothers and sisters of those with special needs or chronic medical needs. Our Sibshops are run by a certified Child Life Specialist and a Certified Recreation Therapy Specialist who have a professional understanding of the impact a child’s special needs or chronic medical needs can have on brothers or sisters. Equally important, they have great kid skills!

有关参加SIBSHOP的更多信息,请致电717-531-8366option 1, emailChild Lifeorclick here to register

Spina Bifida Support Group

Support groups provide an opportunity to share your feelings and connect with other parents and caregivers who are experiencing similar struggles.

Support groups provide an opportunity to share your feelings and connect with other parents and caregivers who are experiencing similar struggles.


This group provides bi-monthly programs of interest to the parents and caregivers of pediatric stroke survivors. Children are invited to join. Meetings take place via...

This group provides bi-monthly programs of interest to the parents and caregivers of pediatric stroke survivors. Children are invited to join. Meetings take place via Zoom. Registration is not required and there is not a fee to attend.


Alicia Richardson

Randa Gray