
- Spiritual, emotional, and sacramental support
- 牧师护理和咨询
- Empathic listening
- 关于艰难决策的咨询
The Pastoral Services department ensures that patients of all faiths have their spiritual needs met in accordance with their faith tradition.
Our Interfaith Chapel is open at any time for prayer or meditation. It is located near the south entrance of the medical center. See the校园地图(PDF)。我们在信仰间教堂中提供两项常规服务:
- 天主教马斯S:星期三中午
- Jumu'ah祈祷服务:星期五下午1:30
我们的部长级人员ers attentive care and counseling to patients and their families.
David Simmons, DMin, BCC
Director of Pastoral ServicesThe Reverend David B. Simmons, DMin, BCC, serves as the Director of Pastoral Services. With 25 years ministry experience, David served congregations in Texas, Virginia, and Pennsylvania before coming to Hershey Medical Center in 2011. David is a graduate of the Clinical Pastoral Education residency program at Hershey and has conducted research in emotional crisis and faith, provider-patient communication, post-traumatic growth, and the spirituality of men in crisis. He has served the Neuroscience Critical Care Unit, the Medical Intensive Care Unit, Palliative Care, and Trauma Services.
大卫协调了一个由30多个牧师教育者,牧师实习生,牧师居民,牧师牧师和牧师合伙人组成的成员团队。戴维(David)是一名受命的浸信会部长,并通过合作浸信会奖学金被批准为事工。戴维(David)拥有西南浸信会神学院的神性硕士学位,并拥有戈登 - 科尼韦尔神学院(Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)的事工医生。大卫目前正在宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡完成卫生管理硕士学位。他通过专业牧师协会获得牧师的董事会认证。
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大卫·卡尼什(David Carnish), MDiv
临床牧师教育经理The Rev. David Carnish leads the clinical pastoral education (CPE) program at Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center as manager. An ordained Baptist minister, he has served as a chaplain since 1990 in Level I Trauma hospitals, nursing homes, hospice facilities and churches. He was also as an interim pastor and associate minister at Baptist churches in Louisville, Ky., and San Francisco.
以前,田纳西州查塔努加的Erlanger Health System的Carnish监督临床牧师教育计划和北卡罗来纳州格林斯伯勒市的Cone Health毕业于乔治亚州瓦尔多斯塔的Valdosta State College,毕业于佐治亚州瓦尔多斯塔州立大学,并获得了哲学学士学位,并获得了他的艺术学士学位。来自路易斯维尔的南部浸信会神学院。2020年,Carnish赢得了宾夕法尼亚州立大学的跨学科人文科学硕士学位,目前正在Temple University的Tyler艺术与建筑学院的艺术史博士学位攻读博士学位。
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Kenton Derstine,MDIV,DMIN
临床牧师教育者Kenton T. Derstine joined the Pastoral Services staff at Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center in 2020. Certified by the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE), he has served as a pastoral educator for more than 25 years. He earned his master’s of divinity from the Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Ind., and a Doctor of Ministry from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C.
在在印第安纳大学健康培训后,德斯汀成为印第安纳波利斯的Ascension St. Vincent医院的CPE主管,后来成为CPE计划经理。他还曾在弗吉尼亚州哈里森堡的东门诺派大学担任CPE和野外教育主任,除了在Hershey医疗中心担任职务外,Derstine还是华盛顿特区鲍恩家庭研究中心的副教授。
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临床牧师教育者Rev. Brittany Powell serves as a clinical pastoral educator (CPE) at Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. Previously, she was a CPE-Certified Educator Candidate and Chaplain Fellow at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore and Goodwin House Bailey’s Crossroads in Falls Church, Va. She has also served as a chaplain for Seasons Hospice and Palliative Care in Newark, Del. Originally from Atlanta, Powell earned a master’s of divinity from the Morehouse School of Religion at the Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta and is endorsed for ministry through the Progressive National Baptist Convention. Currently, Powell is preparing for the final phase of her certification as a chaplain educator by the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education.
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Darlene Miller Cooley,MDIV
牧师牧师The Reverend Darlene M. Miller joined the full-time pastoral services staff in July 2016. Currently her clinical assignments include the Cardiac Care and Neurology departments. She brings a wealth of professional, pastoral, and life experience to the position. Before entering ministry she was an accomplished human resources specialist, Director of Equal Employment Opportunity, certified mediator and trainer with the U.S. Department of Navy and other government organizations.
她是受命的浸信会长,曾在哈里斯堡教堂担任副牧师,目前在宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡的古德温纪念浸信会教堂担任副牧师。她毕业于好时医学中心的临床牧师教育(CPE)实习生和居住计划。自2015年以来,她一直担任HMC牧师服务部担任PRN牧师助理,并在过去两年中领导Martin Luther King Services。
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凯尔西·奥布赖恩(Kelsey O'Brien),麦迪夫
员工牧师,姑息治疗和肿瘤学凯尔西·奥布赖恩(Kelsey O’Brien)担任姑息和肿瘤学牧师。她于2017年以临床牧师教育学生的身份来到好时医学中心,在那里她主要从事妇女健康,劳动和分娩,新生儿重症监护和成人肿瘤学部门以及呼叫的创伤牧师的工作。她目前正在通过专业牧师协会寻求董事会认证,并正在完成她担任基督联合教会部长的任命和认可。
凯尔西(Kelsey)的童年大部分时间都在北德克萨斯州度过,并移居芝加哥上大学,在那里她获得了穆迪圣经学院(Moody Bible Institute)的神学学士学位。2014年,她搬到新泽西州参加普林斯顿神学院,并以神性硕士学位毕业。凯尔西(Kelsey)拥有与儿童和年轻人以及父母和祖父母一起工作的丰富经验,担任家庭部主任和精神成立部长。凯尔西(Kelsey)的研究领域包括医疗保健伦理,创伤和成瘾理论,以及诸如恐惧和悲伤之类的“消极”情绪,是人类生活中健康的一部分。
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斯蒂芬·佩森(Stephen Payson),麦迪夫
四个钻石小儿肿瘤学牧师斯蒂芬·佩森(Stephen Payson)是四个钻石小儿肿瘤学牧师,致力于在住院和门诊治疗期间为儿科癌症患者及其亲人服务。他是东正教长老会教会的任命部长。
斯蒂芬(Stephen)于1994年在马萨诸塞州牛顿中心的安多佛牛顿神学学院(Andover Newton Theogoly School)完成了他的神学硕士学位,并于1985年毕业于缅因州不伦瑞克省的鲍登学院(Bowdoin College)。在公理会工作了20年之后,斯蒂芬在2015 - 16年度接受了牧师培训,担任宾夕法尼亚州立医生医学中心的牧师居民,在那里他在儿科重症监护和儿科急性护理部队中为各种患者和家庭服务在医院的手术重症监护和内科医学单位中。在完成居留权后,斯蒂芬(Stephen)担任小儿肿瘤学牧师研究员,并很高兴继续为儿科肿瘤学/血液学部门的患者,家庭和工作人员提供牧师护理,作为儿科肿瘤学的第一批牧师。