

Feedback from patients and their families helps Penn State Health create a better experience for everyone who comes through our doors. Together, our council members identify areas where we can improve the patient and family experience, then work to make those changes happen.

Members of our Advisory Councils speak from experience – they’ve been patients, family members and/or caregivers. They know that sharing their experiences can help improve the health and well-being of every patient at Penn State Health.


The Patient- and Family-Centered Care Advisory Councils:

  • 从患者和家庭的角度寻求意见,以确保我们的服务满足他们的需求
  • 建立一个论坛,为卫生系统及其员工开发创造性解决方案
  • Meet with a variety of hospital leaders to collaborate on new initiatives

Council initiatives

  • 提供有关质量和安全问题,营销活动,食品服务和患者满意度的持续反馈
  • 使咖啡站在家庭等候地区提供
  • 乘坐便利设施供访问者开始
  • 建议食品采购项目
  • 参加各种医院委员会和委员会


To join one of our Patient- and Family-Centered Care Advisory Councils, you need to:

  • 成为接受或已在宾夕法尼亚州健康获得护理的患者的患者或家人118金宝搏抽水
    • 由患者和家庭护理研究所定义的家庭,是指以任何方式与生物学,法律或情感上的两个或更多相关的人。在以患者和家庭为中心的护理方法中,只要他或她在发展中成熟并且有能力做到这一点,家庭的定义以及家庭参与医疗保健的程度。
  • Commit to serving on a council for at least one year
  • 参加每月会议

When do we meet?

118金宝搏抽水宾夕法尼亚州立卫生部的患者和以家庭为中心的护理咨询委员会每月一次会议1 1/2至两个小时。缩放链接或会议地点将提供给会员。




Still would like more information? Please emailPatExp@pennstatehealth.psu.eduor call717-531-0003, ext. 284511.

Hear from our council members



Council members have a voice to help the institution improve the patient experience.

Staff Council Member



I hope to bring a physician perspective on our work environment in our desire to treat all patients respectfully and in a caring manner

Staff Council Member

Lion Care and Cubby Care Awards




The Patient- and Family-Centered Care Advisory Councils created two awards to celebrate our staff and faculty who embody the caring spirit of our team. Nominees may include anyone who had a direct or indirect impact on patients and families. Nominations for the awards are reviewed by the Patient- and Family-Centered Care Advisory Councils, and nominees are celebrated annually.

Criteria for the Lion Care and Cubby Care Awards



  • Shows care and concern for the whole patient and family, not just for a single diagnosis
  • Connects with patients on their level
  • 证明对患者的发育或康复进行投资
  • Fosters relationships based on respect between providers, patients and families

Information Sharing

  • 使用患者和家人理解的术语以清晰的方式进行交流
  • Keeps the patient and family informed, involved in care planning and aware of programs and services, as needed
  • 在所有对话中都存在,是一个很好的听众,与患者和家人说话,并提供及时的后续行动


  • Partners with and involves the patient and family as members of the care team
  • 鼓励并支持患者和家庭参与他们选择的任何水平的护理和决策
  • 包括患者和家庭选择,观察和目标中的目标


  • 通过介绍自己的模型行为,以可以理解的方式解释自己的角色,并提供患者和家人联系的方式
  • Advocates for and engages the patient and family to be active participants in planning care as a means to improving the care experience
Penn State Health Cubby Care and Lion Care Awards are displayed on a table top

How to nominate a staff member or team for the Lion Care or Cubby Care Award


Submit a Nomination Today!